Thursday, September 15, 2016

It's Time to ROCm!

In this podcast, Senior AMD Fellow Ben Sander presents: It's Time to ROCm!
AMD has been away from the HPC space for a while, but now they are coming back in a big way with an open software approach to GPU computing. The Radeon Open Compute Platform (ROCm) was born from the Boltzmann Initiative announced last year at SC15. Now available on GitHub, the ROCm Platform bringing a rich foundation to advanced computing by better integrating the CPU and GPU to solve real-world problems.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Micron’s Steve Pawlowski on the Latest Memory Trends for HPC

In this podcast from ISC 2016 in Frankfurt, Steve Pawlowski from Micron discusses the latest memory technology trends for high performance computing.
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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Introducing the New IBM Platform HPC Suites

In this podcast, Gabor Samu from IBM describes the newly available IBM Platform LSF Suites for Workgroups and HPC. Designed to make it much easier to "kick the tires" on LSF, the new suites can help you configure install, maintain, and job manage HPC clusters with a single download. “The new IBM Platform LSF Suites are packages that include more than IBM Platform LSF, they provide additional functionalities designed to simplify HPC for users, administrators and the IT organization.” Watch the video presentation.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Interconnect Your Future with InfiniBand

In this slidecast, Gilad Shainer from Mellanox describes the advantages of InfiniBand and the company's off-loading network architecture for HPC.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Making MPI More Awesome with MPI Sessions

In this podcast, Jeff Squyres from Cisco Systems presents: How to make MPI Awesome - MPI Sessions. As a proposal for future versions of the MPI Standard, MPI Sessions could become a powerful tool tool to improve system resiliency as we move towards exascale.

Watch the video presentation.